Monday, September 12, 2005
Breaking the Rules
For all of you non-parents... babies sleeping on their stomachs is an absolute no-no! The only acceptble positions are the side and back. However, when it is three in the morning and I am existing on thirty minutes of sleep per day, any position that helps your baby to get comfortable is acceptable to me! Then when her pediatrician asks, "In what position does the baby sleep?" I have no choice but to look her in the eye and flat out lie, "Oh, only on her back!"
And who knew that you are only supposed to give babies a bath every other day?? Apparently, bathing too frequently dries out their sensitive skin. But as Aubrey grows, her little fat rolls get more plentiful and too many bodily fluids can get trapped in there to let her go unbathed!
So, while Kevin and I TRY to do the best we can, I am realizing that rules are made to be broken!
Dads and Moms gotta do what dads and moms gotta do! It's so hard to figure out what your new little one needs and wants - if only she could tell you! You both are such good parents already and, while it may not feel like it when you only have had one hour of sleep, you're both doing a great job of being her dad and mom! You'll get her figured out soon and into a schedule. Don't worry about whether or not you're "doing it right" or not. You're right - some rules were made to be broken. Your precious baby is growing like a weed so you're doing something right! And she already knows you both love her - so you're doing another thing right! Hug her for me! Love, Grandma Waldorf
First off- you guys have the best pictures of Aubrey- they look so good. That in iself it a treasure- but little Aubrey in the pictures is one of the biggest treasure you will ever have. She is so beautiful.
I agree with you that there are so many 'rules' out there to parenting. I think you should use wisdom and good judgement and chill pills! Be open to trying things and figure out what works best for you'll. Everyone is different and every baby is different. I don't think there are right and wrong ways to do the little things- there are just different ways. It only continues as the debate over pacifiers and security blankets and solids foods come into the mix. God has entrusted you with the privilege and gift of being her parents and He has given you all that you need to do it in a way that is pleasing to Him. He has equipped you and given you the wisdom to make the appropriate decisions. Continue to realize your dependance on Him and be free from your dependace on following the culture 'norms' and 'rules'- you guys are already doing such a great job at that. I respect that and you. I know parenting is so hard- but you'll are taking to it so well. Aubrey is blessed to have you as her parents.