Sunday, November 20, 2005
Happy (3 month) Birthday Aubrey!
She could wear the Newborn size in baby clothes forever, but when she finally hit the 0-3 month size, it seemed like she stayed in it about a week! She is about to poke her toes through the bottoms of her pajamas. Maybe this means she will be tall... but that's not very likely in my family! Aubrey also started sleeping 11-12 hours a night last week. I didn't want to write about it sooner out of fear that I would jinx it! She is getting pretty good at the napping thing too, which isn't all that surprising given who her father is! I walked out into the living room last week and Aubrey was sitting up against Kevin on the sofa and they were both starting to doze off in front of the Gator game. She is also actively reaching for things under her play gym and in her bouncy seat. It is so interesting to see her notice the ladybug... stare at the ladybug...then realize she can actually touch that ladybug if she feels like it! Best of all, she giggled for the first time a few days ago. I don't think I have ever heard anything quite as sweet. It doesn't come often but I try my best to get a chuckle out of her with a rousing rendition of Old McDonald or B-I-N-G-O. Sometimes I'll even throw in a little Itsy-Bitsy Spider if she's lucky!
There are so many milestones that I am anxious for Aubrey to reach that I sometimes forget to slow down and cherish where she is at this very moment. She has plenty of time to roll over and sit up... I just need to enjoy the smiling and drooling phase for as long as it lasts!
We are headed up north to Ohio for Thanksgiving on Wednesday and I am about to burst from excitement. My mom's family lives near Toledo and this will be the first time they'll get to meet the newest addition to the family. Aubrey will have the chance to meet another great-grandmother AND her great-great grandmother. What a privilege it will be to stand in the same room with 5 generations of women!
As you are reading this, Kevin and I hope that you will be on your way this week to visit with family and friends for Thanksgiving. Enjoy every minute that we hope is filled with love, laughter and many blessings!
These are two great baby wise posts. Keena, I can relate oh too well. I have been guilty of the same poop explosion because I was too focused on the clock- then I read the chapter about balance- I had to re-read that one a few times because I was conviced the more strict I stuck to the schedual the better he'd do. Well, praise God that our children ever learn to sleep despite us and clocks and poopy diapers and vacuums and who knows what else! I am so glad you have reached that smooth sailing stage when everything finally seems to click. All the hard work and effort and discipline it has taken on your part is finally paying off in 11-12 hours of sleep for everyone in the house. I am so proud of you all. From how it sounds and what I know about you- you certainly don't need to wait till next year to get the mother of the year award!!!