Thursday, December 15, 2005


Not since college have I pulled an all-nighter, and even then it was with great resistance. Aubrey has been suffering from her first real cold the past two days and last night it all caught up with her. The poor thing couldn't breathe or get comfortable and spent the night wriggling and writhing on my shoulder. Kevin, being the supportive husband and father that he is spent the night on the floor in Aubrey's room while I rocked the night away (literally... because if I stopped for a second she woke up and the entire go-to-sleep process had to be restarted). We woke up in the morning to what could only be described as a war zone. We had humidifiers steaming, multiple pairs of pajamas thrown on the floor (Aubrey's, not ours), burp cloths and tissues everywhere and a variety of over-the-counter infant medications at our disposal. Aubrey seemed pretty content all things considered, but her parents were another story. We called Dr. Bennett this morning to schedule an appointment... after all, it has been a full two weeks since we've been in and I'm sure he counts on our visits to pay the electric bill.

We got the news that all is well. She didn't have any major issues with her ears, chest or lungs... it is "just a cold". Well, there isn't a quick fix for "just a cold" and I think I am starting to break out in hives just thinking about how tonight will go.

Since the day Aubrey was born (and before) I have known that there wouldn't be anything I wouldn't do for her. Most of her needs at this point are relatively simple to provide. Food, sleep, love and affection... but when your baby is sick and the discomfort can't be taken away, it breaks a mother's heart! Fortunately, I know that this too shall pass and it is just one more joyous "first" that we get to experience!

posted by Keena at 3:29 PM | email this post | 0 comment


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