Thursday, August 24, 2006
Happy Birthday Aubrey!
Words are escaping me as I can't possibly describe the feeling I had watching Aubrey sit in her high chair with her birthday cake in front of her. Notice I didn't say eating the birthday cake. You would have thought she was being made to eat liver with a side of brussel sprouts the way she turned her nose up at it! Whose child is this exactly?? Neither of her parents have ever been known to refuse any type of dessert... unless of course it wasn't smothered in enough chocolate.
Aubrey had so much fun at her party and all I kept thinking was how a year ago, Kevin and I were driving from Miami towards Boca Raton completely unaware that about an hour from then, Aubrey would make her grand entrance into the world. There is no way I can adequately express the joy she has brought to our lives over the past year... so instead I'll let the new pictures do the talking!
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